It’s a rainy Sunday afternoon, midterms are literally around the corner, and the fall chill has finally hit. I am so not ready for this kind of anarchy. So, in order to combat the urges to cuddle in my warm blankets, wrap myself in my infinity scarf, and…gasp…wear my UGG boots, I have decided to focus on my perilous ways of procrastination.
As I sit pounding away at my keyboard in the depths of Canaday Library I have narrowed my list of various ways of procrastination to a list that I call “Five Fab Ways to Lead to Production Failure”.
5. Pinterest
Now talk about a serious addiction to an infinite scroll. If there is one thing that could make me want to plan a wedding, start a bakery, and become Martha Stewart’s new protege it is this website.

What exactly is Pinterest?
4. Tumblr
Now I have yet to officially understand the inner workings of tumblr, however, this does not keep me from exploring the most entertaining gifs (moving pictures) known to man. My favorite tumblr pages by far have to include Great Day To Be An Athlete; a glorious depiction of a student athlete’s life (another one is College Student Athlete), What Should Betches Call Me; a comical splash of sarcasm and reality, and What Should BMC Call Me; a hilarious compilation of what a Mawrtyr’s life is. Hands down number one thing to make me laugh till I cry.
3. Youtube
Youtube is a vast space of aspiring musicians, fail videos, and if you have explored it one late night the “weird-side” of Youtube (you know what I’m talking about). From my favorite clips of The Big Bang Theory to a partial documentary about a man with tree feet there is always something new to learn from here…or be seriously weirded out by.
2. Writing
Including but not limited to: Creative Writing, Tweeting, Blogging, Journaling, Doodling, and Taking notes half asleep then admiring the transition from good to bad to worse =).
And finally my number one form of procrastination..
1. Korean Pop
Or more commonly known as KPOP, is a genre of music from South Korea. Due to the Hallyu movement and the help of some Gangnam Style Kpop has taken the US by storm. This is such a giant form of procrastination I am dedicating my next post entirely to explaining the greatness that is KPOP. Until then please enjoy this link and prepare yourself.
Crap I still have homework don’t I?

True Story
To be continued…