Hell Week Blues

This week I have the Hell Week Blues and by blues I mean so much sister class pride! Today class of 2016 ended the week long journey to becoming official Mawrters! I dusted off my old Hell Week schedule last weekend to pass down some tasks to my grand-hellees and got me reminiscing about my first Hell Week. I have to say the biggest accomplishment was finishing the duck pond run and not getting thrown in.

Soccer Frosh getting their schedules last Wednesday

For some people unfamiliar to it,  the idea of Hell Week can get lost in the throws of musical skits, marriage proposals, and proclamations of crimes against the campus (I loved K-pop too much), and even the title, Hell Week.  For the prospective students, parents, and alumnae that may read this I have found that though the tasks and traditions have evolved with the changing times and student life, the meaning remains the same. There is a moment that some may notice, but other will miss, and it is the quick smile of an alumnae recalling a distant memory of their own Hell Week as if it were yesterday. Whether you are an even or an odd we are all a part of the same family that have passed out tickets to a fake concert, proposed to that one professor, and sang our hearts out to that one song that was popular that one time. If there is ever a time in which love for Bryn Mawr is at its highest I will have to say Hell Week takes the cake.

No matter how much time passes Hell Week will forever remain a week of bonding that connects with past and future Mawrters. The perfect example of this is when I heard a teammate of mine call her alumnae mom and wish her a Happy Hell Week. This week is about a history that we will continue. We will pass down these traditions to keep Bryn Mawr the unique college we know and love.

So, class of 2016 I tip my hat to you. Congratulations, Happy Reconciliation Day, and Welcome Home.

“Remember tonight, for it is the beginning of always.” Dante Algihieri

To be continued…

Soccer Progress!

This October Break has been full of momentous occasions for the B-E-A-utiful Bryn Mawr Soccer team. Besides enjoying hilarious bonding time we also played against Johns Hopkins today. I have to say I am so proud of these owls! Despite the score we have improved a lot since last year. Let’s finish this season strong and beat the Garnets!

Owl Love!

To be continued…

Oppa Gangnam Style! Kpop pt.1


Story of my life!

If you have listened to the radio, looked on Youtube, downloaded a song off iTunes, or basically participated in social society, you have heard the phrase “Oppa Gangnam Style”. Now you may also be wondering …What exactly is Kpop? and Who is this guy?

First things first, as previously stated, Kpop is a genre of pop/rap/hip-hop style of music generating from South Korea. The genre involves various artists from solo artists, like Rain,to large boy and girl bands, like Super Junior and Girl’s Generation.  Another one of those solo artist happens to be PSY the genius man behind the #1 hit “Gangnam Style“. The first time I heard this song I fell in love as usual. Why, you may ask? Well it’s because… I LOVE KPOP.  I could seriously go on for hours about the countless reasons as to why I am truly amazed with this specific genre of music,however, let’s keep it short sweet and to the point.

The reason why this song is amazing (I mean besides the obvious lol) is this song is the first song performed in the Korean language to fully cross over in the US music scene. Granted there have been previous Korean artists  for the past decade that have tried to cross over like Rain, Shinwa (a 90’s boy band similar to N’SYNC and Backstreet Boys) and The WonderGirls (a girl group that toured with the Jonas Brothers on their 2009 tour), but most of these bands were only able to grasp a small following. In the past 2 years Kpop has grown to grab the attention of multiple US artist, record labels and even Billboard Music Charts, which introduced the Kpop Hot 100  in the fall of last year.

Due to these surges in the Kpop following, a plethora of Kpop artists from U-Kiss, SHINee, Brown Eyed Girls, 2NE1, and BIGBANG are beginning to tour the US more often spreading the joyous sounds of international music and hopefully cross over into the US Mainstream! **panting out of breath from so much excitement** And thankfully, due to my awesome stalking capabilities, myself and two other lovely ladies are going to witness this momentous occasion when BIGBANG makes their American Debut in their ALIVE Tour this coming November.

This is too much Kpop for one post to handle, so as usual…

To be continued…